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Marte Engenharia is an engineering company that offers consulting services and engineering projects in the areas of generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, also working on industrial operation and maintenance.

A company consolidated in the brazilian market that have been offered its customers for 35 years, projects and services with the highest quality and having obey the strict norms of health, safety and environment.


In its Integrated Management System (IMS) it has the certifications in the norms ISO 9001, NBR ISO 14001 and NBR ISO 45001, in addition it accumulates experience in projects that total more than 35,000 Km of transmission lines in the classes of tension of 138 to 750 kV and more than 150 substations from 69 to 750kV. It is also notable for using modern tools and technologies for project management of energy system and maintenance services.

Its professionals are trained and highly qualified to offer engineering consulting and project management in a comprehensive way in the various engineering disciplines, among them: electrical, civil, electromechanical, studies, protection and control, telecommunications and structures.

Sobre a Marte

Marte Engenharia is an engineering company that offers consulting services and engineering projects in the areas of generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, also working on industrial operation and maintenance.

A company consolidated in the brazilian market that have been offered its customers for 35 years, projects and services with the highest quality and having obey the strict norms of health, safety and environment.


In its Integrated Management System (IMS) it has the certifications in the norms ISO 9001, NBR ISO 14001 and NBR ISO 45001, in addition it accumulates experience in projects that total more than 35,000 Km of transmission lines in the classes of tension of 138 to 750 kV and more than 150 substations from 69 to 750kV. It is also notable for using modern tools and technologies for project management of energy system and maintenance services.

Its professionals are trained and highly qualified to offer engineering consulting and project management in a comprehensive way in the various engineering disciplines, among them: electrical, civil, electromechanical, studies, protection and control, telecommunications and structures.

Nossa História:
35 anos de dedicação e crescimento

A Marte Engenharia nasceu da necessidade de serviços de alta qualidade no mercado de energia na década de 1980. Fundada em 1988, quando surgiu a oportunidade de se trabalhar na fase final dos projetos de construção de Itaipu Binacional (barragem hidrelétrica no Paraná), a empresa logo expandiu seus horizontes.

Com escritórios no Rio de Janeiro e Brasília, a Marte diversificou suas atividades, tornando-se uma referência na elaboração de estudos de planejamento de sistemas elétricos.


A especialização em projetos de linhas de transmissão e subestações de alta tensão solidificou-se, marcando presença nas estradas brasileiras e além-fronteiras. A empresa conquistou contratos em países como Chile, Peru, Uruguai, Colômbia, Angola, Etiópia, Canadá e Austrália.

Visão e Valores

Nossos Valores

  • Foco em resultados

  • Ética e transparência

  • Excelência orientada para o cliente

  • Espírito de equipe com valorização e comprometimento das pessoas

  • Empreendedorismo e inovação

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